Sending Test Emails

The final test of the Diagnostics tool sends a test email to ensure that you're email infrastructure is setup correctly and allows Reminder to send emails


If this test fails then Reminder will be unable to send any emails.

To troubleshoot this first ensure you understand the basics of SMTP emails by reading this primer.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Check the email settings in SharePoint central administration are correct (SharePoint Central Administration > Operations > Outgoing Emails Settings) – note the Outbound SMTP server, From and Reply To addresses. (Note - if you change anything here you must restart the SharePoint Reminder Service to pick up the changes)



  • Is the destination SMTP server configured to deliver emails or relay them to another SMTP server and if so is it working?


  • Is there anything that may block SMTP transmissions on port 25 (common to stop mass mailing worms/viruses). For example :-
    • A firewall running on or in between the SharePoint server and the SMTP server
      Antivirus software
    • Remember that if your security blocks SMTP transmissions based on process or account then test tools such as Telnet or SMTP Test tool will be a different process and will often be running under a different account to SharePoint and the timer service.


You are able to send test emails to some users, but not others

(Note – this section does not apply to emails sent by SharePoint but only to test emails sent using a tool like SMTP Test tool or telnet – see above)

The good news is that you know in this case that its not a problem with SharePoint – its time to bring in whomever is an expert on your email infrastructure but a few tips to get you started :-

  • Is this user’s email is being delivered successfully from other sources, what about external email addresses such as hotmail / gmail?
  • This can help narrow down the problem between problems on the sending side an receiving side.
  • Do emails to users on the internal domain get delivered and external email addresses fail (or vice versa) – in which case you need to look in detail at your email infrastructure to determine where the problem lies.
  • If internal emails are getting through but external ones are not then use the SMTPDiag utility to verify DNS configuration on your SMTP server are not stopping external delivery.

As always the wildcards are SPAM filters and email auto processing rules – always suspect these first!