Incorrect Url in Email

Reminder can include a hyperlink in the email so the user can quickly edit the relevant record in your list.

Email screenshot

The text used for the hyperlink is a combination of the List name and the Title field.

The Url that Reminder uses for this hyperlink is determined by how you have configured SharePoint itself.

This page shows how you configure this for :-

You can also generate a custom url using the technique for including fields from your list using the [FieldName] notation.

For example if you had a field called "Project" you could use link directly into the records edit form by entering the following as part of the Message.

<a href="http://yourserver/yoursite/Lists/yourlist/EditForm.aspx?id=[ID]">Edit [Project]</a>

Where [ID] and [Project] will be replaced by the records id and Project field.

If you have a document library you can link directly to the document using

<a href="[Encoded Absolute URL]">[URL Path]</a>