Advanced Rules

Using Advanced Rules

To use advanced rules either click the “Add custom” button when creating the rules to begin from scratch, or auto-create the rules, and then check the “Advanced rules” checkbox.

Deselecting the “Advanced rules” checkbox later on may cause advanced rule settings to be reset, if they’re incompatible with normal rule settings.

Rules can be broken down in to two parts; the part on the left that is used to check if the rule is true (the Condition), and the part on the right that says what the rule should do (the Action).

Advanced Rules follow the same method, but have slightly more options:

Condition Differences

In Advanced rules you can choose a different column to the “Base on” column chosen earlier, allowing much greater flexibility. To compliment this, you can also choose to compare the rule’s column value to that of another column, as seen here:

When comparing to Number or Datetime columns you also have the option to to modify the column value for comparison (the “+2 days” section in the third rule above).

It is only possible to compare two columns of the same type, so the second column choice in the rule will only display columns that match the type of the first selected column.

Action Differences

Normally rules are restricted to only one type of action, as shown below:

Column type Display type Action type
Highlighting Icons Icon and Value
Highlighting Row highlighting Row color
Highlighting Cell highlighting Cell color
Progress bar - Bar color (foreground)
Countdown - Cell color

However in Advanced mode, a great many more action types can be used. These include some that aren’t available at all in Normal mode:

Action type Description Note
Icon Sets the icon to display Icons display type only
Icon and Value Sets the icon to display (with te target column's value) Icons display type only
Cell color Sets the background color of the cell
Row color Sets the background color of the row
Text color Sets the color of text within the cell
Display value Changes the value to display (e.g. replaces the percentage value on a progress bar)
Display column Changes the value to display to another column’s value
Progress bar Sets the progress bar color (foreground) Progress bar only
Background color Sets the progress bar background Progress bar only
Border color Sets the progress bar border color Progress bar only

As you can see in the example in the previous section, it is entirely possible to mix action types within a set of rules to produce a greatly enriched list view from a single Highlighter column.

For more information on how mixed rules are processed, see the Advanced section of Rule Precedence.