FilterPoint - FAQ

Which versions of Microsoft SharePoint is PivotPoint Web Part compatible with?

SharePoint Server Subscription Edition

SharePoint 2019 (SP 2019)

SharePoint 2016 (SP 2016)

SharePoint 2013 (SP 2013)

SharePoint 2010 (SP 2010)

Is PivotPoint compatible with SharePoint Online / Office 365

No. SharePoint Online's 'Sandbox' and 'Add In' models don't allow for web part connections so its impossible to get any 3rd party 'filter provider' web parts to work on it.

Is PivotPoint compatible with SharePoint 2019/ Subsription 'modern pages'?

No, modern pages do not support traditional web parts, you can still use traditional web part and wiki pages in 'modern' sites though.

What are Filter Providers and Filter Consumers?

When setting up web part connections in SharePoint you have two sides to the connection:-

  • Filter Providers - such as FilterPoint display a list of filter choices and send the results along to ...
  • Filter Consumers - such as the built in List View or 3rd party web parts like Planner and PivotPoint who then decide what to do with the filters passed.

Will FilterPoint only work with your other products, Planner and PivotPoint?

FilterPoint will work with any web parts that support standard SharePoint connections. Exactly what the Filter Consumers do with the passed filters is up to them so you sometimes get strange results, for example the built in List View Web Parts (LVWP) don't let you send multiple filters.


Date Filtering

You can filter on a date field to show items for any ONE date (not a date range or specific time as yet, this will come in v2).

You can pick a date using the date picker filter style, select from a drop-down box of dates in use in your list or enter it manually as free text (but you must get the format exactly right)

You can also set a default date using [Today]. So, for example if looking at tasks due, you could set the filter to default to [Today] or maybe "[Today] + 1" for items due tomorrow.

By default FilterPoint will show values that are "equal to" the date selected. This is the only kind of filtering you can apply to dates in Lists and in most 3rd Party webparts.

However, using the "Filters" section in our Planner or PivotPoint you can also set up "Less than" or "greater than" or "not equal to" filters. So, for example, if you wanted to see all tasks due before a certain date, you could set up the Filters section of Planner to show "less than" values on a due date filter.