FilterPoint Manual - Additional Features - Date Ranges

The Date Range filter allows you to filter between two dates (but only when using FilterPoint with other Pentalogic products).

In v1.3.3 we added the option to specify which 'quick select' options to include in the dropdown - adding options such as This Year, Last Financial Quarter.

You can specify which options you would like users to be able to choose under the Additional Features > Drop Down toolpart.

If you select no options then the 'quick select' will not be shown.

Whats the difference between a Financial Qtr / Year and a normal Qtr / Year?

A normal (also known as calendar) Year goes from from Jan to December

Calendar Quarters are split so Jan,Feb,March = Qtr 1, April, May, June = Qtr 2 etc.

Some organisations define their Financial Years (also known as Fisical Years) differently, for example April > March.

Financial Years are assumed to start on the 1st of the month chosen and last for 1 year exactly.

Financial Quarters are assumed to start on the 1st of the month chosen and are split into 3 calendar month quarters.


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