On Call Rota

Laura's team team has to ensure that someone is on call to respond to emergencies at all times. The team wants to keep a flexible schedule - enabling the team to swap shifts between themselves with ease - but also ensure that the the workload is spread out evenly throughout the team.

Additionally some shifts are less desirable than others, for example weekend nights and public holidays. For this example we are going to start with a Calendar list and add a User field and a column to record the shift type. It will be a choice field with the options Weekday Night, Weekend and Public Holiday.

On call rota

They record the upcoming schedule in a SharePoint calendar list and if any team members swap shifts then the list is changed to reflect this. The rota for April 2009 may look like this :-

On Call Calendar

We are going to use the PivotPoint web part to give a summary of the shifts covered by each team member.

  1. Firstly add a new PivotPoint web part to a web part page.
  2. Select the Edit menu and Modify Shared Web Part to configure the web part
  3. Modify the web part and choose the On Call Rota calendar list
  4. Under Columns select the On Call Type field
  5. Under Rows select the Person field and check Totals
  6. Under Value field select any field and set Calculation to Count as %
  7. Under tooltip check Count
  8. Click OK
Rota PivotPoint configuration

You will now have a PivotPoint summary of the % of different shifts covered by each team member and this summary will be updated as the Rota changes.

From this example we can see that Laura, Margaret and Robert have covered a fairly equal number of shifts at around 30% (though Laura has taken more of Public Holiday shifts) but Nancy has taken significantly less shifts (17%) and no weekends at all.

Rota PivotPoint